Services we Provide
Forensic Delay Analysis
Not all Construction Projects go as planned, so there are times when changes, both acceleration or delay, need to be assessed and quantified through detailed schedule analysis. We can provide support and advice throughout the life cycle of projects, identifying any areas of entitlement. We use commonly accepted methods of analysis:
Critical Path Analysis
As-Planned vs As-Built
Impacted As-Planned
Collapsed As-Built
Earned Value Analysis
Project Tender Submissions
4Berri Consulting have many years experience in providing support on tender submissions, with the added benefit of providing a detailed QSRA to support the tender schedule. This ensures a more realistic schedule goes into the bid package.
Cost & Schedule Risk Analysis (QCRA/ QSRA)
Having a detailed CPM schedule does not guarantee project success; Regular Qualitative and Quantitative Schedule Risk Analysis needs to be performed on it to ensure robustness and that sufficient risk is accounted for. At 4Berri we can conduct Risk Workshops and QSRA/ QCRA modelling using Monte Carlo analysis, ensuring you get a clear picture of your risk profile.
Programme Assurance
Having a technically sound schedule does not guarantee project success, but it does allow you to get off to the best possible start. We can provide a full Baseline Assurance Review to highlight areas of schedule improvement, which in turn will allow you to focus on project delivery. We can also carry out Interim Schedule Assurance Reviews, which will identify changes between schedule submittals.
We are experienced in assessing schedules and their content against NEC and FIDIC contracts, and can provide a detailed report on where gaps are in your schedule.
4D Modelling
We have extensive experience in using 4D scheduling software such as Bentley® Synchro™ to interrogate a contractor’s or client’s CPM schedule. Having a detailed 4D schedule allows the client to fully appreciate the risks on their construction site, and which provides early warnings to clashes and logistical challenges.
We also have in depth experience of interrogating 3D models in Autodesk® Navisworks®, and when combined with a detailed CPM schedule, can provide a detailed 4D model for the end user.